Digitalize your photographs
with our „best-quality-warranty“.
The digitalization of old slides and film negatives is a perfect gift for your whole family. We digitalize every picture with our „best-quality-warranty“ in highest resolution. Final results will be send to you via USB, DVD, CD or fixed disk.
Choose one of our offerings and send us your request without any obligation.
Trade in your old slide projector and get up to 80,-€ discount per order!
Your slides will always be digitalized in our highest resolution. Why? -Your negatives and photographs will just get older but not better – the opposite is true. Therefore digitalize them now, in higest resolution, in order not to lose them.
We will ALWAYS supply JPEG and RAW format of your slide to you. JPEG is for fast view and sharing via web, TV, handhelds and photobooks.
RAW is best for high quality development for print outs and posters.

Why digitalize?
There are many reasons. Our customer, Mr. Peters, tells us a few of them.
Every year my grandchildren visited us. They enjoyed browsing through our photo albums and we enjoyed slide shows reminding us on on our shared adventures from their childhood.
Now my grandchildren are grown up and living all over the country with less opportunity to meet each other. What a nice present it was to send them a small USB stick with all the great pictures, of our digitalized slides and photographs. Now they can look at them any time, whenever they want. On Christmas we are planing to create a photobook with print outs of our most wonderfull slides.
Thanks a lot ReproDia!

Non-binding inquiry
We are excited to hear from your Project!
You will receive a cost calculation on your request and we will explain to you all details of shipment. Should you have any further questions, just write us to
Request without obligation
We are excited to hear from your Project!
You will receive a cost calculation on your request and we will explain to you all details of shipment. Should you have any further questions, just write us to